The Otis--Bison Cougars RULE!!!!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Edit Pics!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Planning Process for My Project

When I made my plan I made a mywebspiration.com. My plan was to make a book about the Hutchinson Cosmo-sphere Future Astronaut Training Program (FATP). In my map I put years 1-4 and what you do during them.

I will use the school's binding machine to make my book complete as well as paper and Microsoft Word. I will put pictures of me at the camp as well as what you do there. I'm going to talk about how much fun I was and how psyched I am to go back.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Google Labs

There were 2 things that I found in Google Labs that were cool. One of them was Google Transliteration. This let you translate words into a different words. Another thing was Chrome Experiments. This let you play and do a lot of different things with your browser and just to pass time!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

PSA First Amendment Rights struggles/success

1) The PSA video went ok I guess even though we got it uploaded into school tube it still didn't work. We had struggles with the video being a Quick-Time file but we tried our best to make it work.

2) Having more than one person in my group made it a whole lot easier. When we started to make our idea it went a whole lot easier too. When we started to film we had one person film and two people act. Overall i think that the film was good even though it didn't get uploaded to Schooltube.

P.S. The reason the video didn't get uploaded was because Mrs. Yost didn't get it uploaded.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Info About Delicious

Why do I use delicious... Delicious is a fun cool and easy way to store all those websites that you don't want to lose.

What do I Tag... Whatever you want. You can tag sport, video, and even gaming sites if you want, It's all up to You!!!

How do I use my tags... To find out what they are, what you do, or what you can do on them.